City of Ithaca tries something new with scratch-off parking tags
Almost a year since the City of Ithaca started replacing parking meters with solar-powered paystations and a smartphone app, drawing confusion and complaints, city officials say they’re adding a new option: pre-paid scratch-off parking tags.
Some dislike Niagara Falls’ new solar parking meters
About 40 solar powered parking meters have popped up around the City of Niagara Falls – effectively turning free parking spots into paid ones. Depending on the season, you could pay as much as $3 an hour.
Del Mar wants to add more beachfront parking meters
As San Diegans gear up to hit the beach this Memorial Day weekend, one coastal city is pushing a plan to add hundreds of parking meters to its beachfront area.
Smart meters introduced in downtown Asheville
If you’re sick of carrying around change for parking meters, downtown Asheville has the solution for you.
New ‘smart meters’ have been installed on Battery Park Avenue outside the Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville.
Share a selfie at one of these free parking meters and win a gift card
The City of Colorado Springs and Downtown merchants want shoppers to know about some “lucky” parking meters that could give you some extra spending money this year.
Montclair Replaces 748 Parking Meters With Credit Card-Friendly Versions
Montclair commuters will have a more modern experience when they park at one of 748 spaces in the township.
Town officials recently announced that the Montclair Parking Utility replaced all 748 of its on-street parking meters with new IPS meters.
Pennsylvania Police Resist DOT’s Plan to Eliminate Registration Stickers, Implement Plate-Scanning Tech
Drivers in Pennsylvania will no longer be required to put registration stickers on their cars starting next year, and police will instead use new technology that scans license plates for information.
Can we park smarter?
You turn the wheel hesitantly and crane your neck to look for any available parking down the street. The person behind you honks irritably. Feeling pressured, you impulsively turn onto the side street. As you do, you glimpse a free space on the street you just left — and it’s taken by the time you circle around again.
New parking meters to be installed near Roosevelt Row in downtown Phoenix
Do you have a quarter? The Roosevelt Row area of downtown Phoenix will soon have more metered parking spaces.
Five ways Orlando is embracing innovative transportation tech
Orlando would not have applied to participate in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge if it didn’t think it had a good shot at winning. And looking at the ways in which the city has already taken a focus on innovative transportation, you can see why officials are pretty confident.