Parking Article Library

Posts By: Chanel Collis

If you’re sick of carrying around change for parking meters, downtown Asheville has the solution for you.
New ‘smart meters’ have been installed on Battery Park Avenue outside the Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville.

You turn the wheel hesitantly and crane your neck to look for any available parking down the street. The person behind you honks irritably. Feeling pressured, you impulsively turn onto the side street. As you do, you glimpse a free space on the street you just left — and it’s taken by the time you circle around again.

Orlando would not have applied to participate in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge if it didn’t think it had a good shot at winning. And looking at the ways in which the city has already taken a focus on innovative transportation, you can see why officials are pretty confident.

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