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Broken parking meters in St. John’s? We need fixes, not fines

The City of St. John’s says people who park at damaged parking meters for more than two hours will soon be ticketed. – Joe Gibbons
I heard and read on several news outlets this morning about St. John’s city council’s decision to ticket people who park at broken meters. As someone who often frequents downtown, this news is very concerning to me, especially as we enter the Christmas shopping season.

Daley’s double talk on parking meters

Mayoral candidate William “Bill” Daley gave two Chicago newspapers opposing opinions of his brother Richard’s most detested deed as Chicago’s mayor: selling the city’s parking meter operations to a private firm for comparative peanuts then quickly blowing all the proceeds. The firm sent parking rates sky-high and now rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Oxford Square Parking Meters Bring in $800K

If the crowds of people walking around the downtown Square in Oxford on any given day, or the number of times cars loop around looking for parking spaces weren’t enough of an indication of the popularity of the downtown Square, the annual parking meter revenue report presented Friday makes it clear.


Electronic parking machines coming to downtown Stockton

In 2015, there were 1,700 parking meters in downtown Stockton. Since that time, vandals and thieves have either beheaded or completely removed 1,450 to gain access to the coins inside, costing the city as much as $55,000 in monthly revenue, according to city of Stockton parking manager Tina McCarty.

Lack of bandwidth can bring your on-street parking operations to its knees

Consider the problem. When pay by plate/space machines communicate with your office, they use the same communications systems as your cell phone (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile, etc). I’m sure you have experienced a situation where you phone works fine at some times and doesn’t at others. That usually happens when the system is deluged with folks calling, texting, and searching google. It simply isn’t built to handle every phone working at the same time.



Notes from Seattle’s Transition to Pay by Plate

Lessons Learned Margo Pulley Are you considering transitioning to pay by plate? How hard would it be? How would your customers take to it? What benefits does it provide? Seattle decided back in 2012 that we wanted to transition to pay by plate when we replaced our...

Bloomfield Will Try Out ‘Pay-By-Plate’ Parking

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — Bloomfield is primed for a test run of “pay-by-plate” parking beginning Tuesday, May 1, town officials say.
On May 1, Bloomfield Township will begin a 90-day trial period of parking pay stations in the heart of its downtown area, a move that is expected to save time and money for municipal parking enforcers, officials said.

Can we park smarter?

You turn the wheel hesitantly and crane your neck to look for any available parking down the street. The person behind you honks irritably. Feeling pressured, you impulsively turn onto the side street. As you do, you glimpse a free space on the street you just left — and it’s taken by the time you circle around again.


Smarter Parking with AR Technology

Traffic wardens are often not well-liked, but their work is necessary to keep roads and streets clear. Technology company IPS Group is attempting to use augmented reality (AR) technology to make parking operations easier. The technology presented by IPS Group uses AR...

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