Parking Article Library

Notes from Seattle’s Transition to Pay by Plate

Lessons Learned Margo Pulley Are you considering transitioning to pay by plate? How hard would it be? How would your customers take to it? What benefits does it provide? Seattle decided back in 2012 that we wanted to transition to pay by plate when we replaced our...

Broken parking meters in St. John’s? We need fixes, not fines

The City of St. John’s says people who park at damaged parking meters for more than two hours will soon be ticketed. – Joe Gibbons
I heard and read on several news outlets this morning about St. John’s city council’s decision to ticket people who park at broken meters. As someone who often frequents downtown, this news is very concerning to me, especially as we enter the Christmas shopping season.

Daley’s double talk on parking meters

Mayoral candidate William “Bill” Daley gave two Chicago newspapers opposing opinions of his brother Richard’s most detested deed as Chicago’s mayor: selling the city’s parking meter operations to a private firm for comparative peanuts then quickly blowing all the proceeds. The firm sent parking rates sky-high and now rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars.

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