Parking Article Library

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A parking study conducted as part of the Athens Comprehensive Plan revision process has led city officials to ask City Council members to change city code and invest more than $400,000 in high-tech parking meters to help address concerns related to uptown parking.

New, more technologically friendly parking meters are coming to the downtown area early next year — making payment for parking possible via phone apps and credit/debit cards as well as coins.

Consider the problem. When pay by plate/space machines communicate with your office, they use the same communications systems as your cell phone (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile, etc). I’m sure you have experienced a situation where you phone works fine at some times and doesn’t at others. That usually happens when the system is deluged with folks calling, texting, and searching google. It simply isn’t built to handle every phone working at the same time.

New Jersey’s Senate is expected to vote Friday on allowing towns to use digital parking meters that alert enforcement officers about any violation so they can ticket the offending vehicle. Brian Cassidy with Municipal Parking […]

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