Parking Article Library

Posts By: Chanel Collis

Earlier this week I wrote how 3 American cities are looking to rebrand themselves. Now while this is not my normal ‘beat if you will, the concept behind a smart city is that one that can and will impact every brand doing business in said city.

Smart city growth continues to expand, with 66% of cities reporting that they are investing in smart city technology, and 25% of those without any smart city systems are exploring how to implement it, according to a new report from the National League of Cities (NLC).

BRIDGEPORT — Gentler parking meter policies — free Saturdays; longer grace periods before being ticketed; reduced fines – are finally being phased in these next few days. And just in time. The man who presides over parking violation hearings is overwhelmed by the increased activity from the new meters.

Facing potential legal action from the Minnesota company that built and installed the new automatic parking meters, City Council members this week backed off of a threat to place a moratorium on the so-called robo cops.

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